"When authorities warn you of the sinfulness of sex, there is an important lesson to be learned: Do not have sex with the authorities."

Matt Groening

Donate Your Kink

Kink Performers Needed

Kink Underground is looking for additional fetish-themed, kink-oriented performances for our upcoming night!

These performances will need to demonstrate some form of BDSM play (bondage, pain play, power play, sensation play, et cetera) incorporated into a small skit, dance, or other form of performance choreographed to music.

A good performance tells a story (probably a very simple one). It has characters, a theme, an introduction, rising action, and a conclusion. The more dramatic, the better!

We are NOT looking for:

  • how-to kink demos (the performance is just as important as the kink!)
  • burlesque performances that are not kink-related (the kink is just as important as the performance!)
  • DJs (at this time!)

Please email your performance proposal to Kink Underground!

We have a small budget to thank performers, as well as free entry +1 for each performer.

I want to perform!

Volunteers Needed

With the Kink Underground Fetish Revue, we're trying to bring an awesome Sin City style clubnight to Victoria. And we know that a big part of what makes Sin City really awesome are the creative, sexy fetish outfits.

To that end, we're going to have a pretty serious dress code, specifically requiring no street wear.

This creates a dilemma, because, frankly, my own personal fetwear is pretty shitty, and I'm guessing a lot of the people interested in attending the event will be in a similar situation. And the folks who will attend the event from outside the fetish community will have an even more difficult time!

So, between 7-9 PM at the Kink Underground Fetish Revue (before the main event starts at 9PM) we will be doing fetish makeovers.

But we need your help to make it happen!

We need:

  • rope-loving volunteers to tie rope corsets, rope gauntlets, and other rope-based clothing
  • volunteers to do hot & sexy makeup
  • volunteers to do body painting
  • donations of fetishy clothing
  • people to create and sell leather harnesses and other simple sexy fetish wear for men & women
  • your ideas for further fetish-themed clothing

If you're able to help, or if you have some ideas to share, please respond on the FetLife thread!

(Note: In case it isn't clear, we're not in this to make money. We're in this to make something awesome and fun for everyone. So if you want the night to be awesome, please volunteer - you will be part of making something really really cool).

Thank you for your support!

I can totally help!